AI/ML Product

Hi! I'm Glen Ford, ML-forward product leader

With 7+ years building products and teams around LLMs (incl. GPT) and deep learning, I can reshape your mindset, processes, and products around advanced technology—without the hype.

  • 13+ years in product management.
  • 7+ years in artificial intelligence and machine learning.
  • Obsessed with rapid delivery.
  • Driven by empathy.

Read on for my USP

My thumbnail and I are OPEN TO WORK!

I'm available!

Connect with me on LinkedIn and let's find out how I can help you.

Want some proof?

See my portfolio of selected projects along with some of the great brands I've worked with.

Experience where it counts

AI transformation, for both products and people

It's a fact: large language models will challenge and transfigure every aspect of your business. It's happening now, and it will only accelerate.

I've built products and services that profitably incorporate machine learning at several startups, and have wrestled ML data ops to the ground in multiple ways.

I push product managers, engineers, and others to adapt and adopt LLMs like ChatGPT and Gemini to turbocharge their basic approach to all the things. I'm here to help you with anything from LLM-based mindset and process transformation to building lasting products on top of machine learning.

Proven leadership, by example

With more than a decade of product leadership in startups under my belt, I know how to get my hands dirty, lead by example, and unblock colleagues and direct reports. Happiness at work matters to the bottom line, and my track record includes inreasing employee NPS by 78 points in just 6 months.

My team members become fans.

Technical chops

It's no longer enough for product managers and designers to be non-technical, reliant on overburdened engineers to do simple things like internal tooling, data transformation, and the like.

Working with my friend GPT, I have re-energized my programming skills since 2023, creating truly valuable tools ranging from Python scripts that generate synthetic training data to full-featured React and Electron apps.


As early as my first interview with iMerit, I knew I had to work with Glen. It is rare that one comes across an inspiring and inclusive leader with excellent product instincts who leads with empathy. He is a skilled collaborator who inspires and motivates others to work together and achieve more collectively.

Glen is a strong advocate for design… he realizes that well-designed products and services stand out from the competition and provide a valuable source of differentiation. I couldn't recommend a more empowering and empathetic partner to collaborate with.

Alex Soufi
product design master

Glen was my first boss in a product management position, and to say I wouldn't be where I am today without him would be an understatement. He excelled at imparting his knowledge on those around him and then empowering them to do their job so that they could grow and flourish.

Alania Cater
CEO, CPO, entrepeneur

In the 5+ years that we worked together, I was privileged to witness Glen's awesome ascent through engineering and product. Wicked smart, funny, collaborative and driven, Glen made a big impact on our organization in numerous ways.

Steve Semelsberger
CEO of Testlio

Glen and I worked together through several different roles at Pluck/Demand Media. Glen is thorough and creative, and brings a sense of service to the customers he interacts with, the products that he manages, and the team that he collaborates with.

Jason Crickmer
Tech & biz “multiple threat”

His ability to listen to feedback, and communicate ideas with humor and humility, was inspiring and I'm so thankful for having had the opportunity to learn as much as I did from him in our 4 years working together.

Erin Hanson
Cust. support superhero, kind soul

Glen is an innovative and proven product leader. He was instrumental in helping further define customer requirements and best identify effective solutions to fit the business needs of each using the Demand Media/Pluck platform. In addition, Glen has an impressive understanding of the software development space, combined with great interpersonal and technical skills (read: geek!). Glen was a valuable asset to the Customer Success team in both helping with unique product requests, as well as effectively integrating feedback into future product releases.

Trina Pirtle
CS director extraordinaire

Over our 7 years of working together, I was able to watch his leadership skills and work ethic first hand. Glen is an in-the-trenches Product-guy. He is passionate and pours his blood/sweat/tears into his team and solutions.

Laura Cowan
Mega-E.Q. culture builder

Get in touch!

Let's grab coffee!

Anywhere in beautiful Austin, TX., or virtually.